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Cavs Panzer

CAVS: A Joint Endeavor for Enhanced Military Capabilities

Origin and Significance

The Combat Vehicle Support (CAVS) program was officially established on April 17, 2023. This collaborative initiative between Finland and Latvia aims to develop a state-of-the-art armored wheeled vehicle system, which will replace aging platforms such as the TPz Fuchs and the M113.

Sweden and Germany Join the Alliance

Recognizing the potential of the CAVS program, Sweden and Germany have since joined the partnership, further solidifying its international scope and significance.

Patria 6x6: A Versatile Platform

The Patria 6x6, manufactured by the Finnish defense company Patria, serves as the foundation for the CAVS program. This versatile vehicle is primarily designed for troop transport roles, but its modular design allows for configuration in various combat support roles, including Company Command.

Collaborative Development

Finland and Latvia have played a key role in the development of the CAVS program, working together to define requirements and specifications for the vehicle. This collaborative approach ensures that the CAVS meets the unique needs of each participating nation.
