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Augmenting Global Influence

BRICS Expands: Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Four Others Join the Bloc

Augmenting Global Influence

Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and Saudi Arabia have been welcomed into the BRICS economic alliance, composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

The decision was made at the grouping's summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, further strengthening the bloc's presence and influence on the global stage. With the inclusion of six new members, BRICS now represents over 40% of the world's population and a significant portion of its GDP.

Enhanced Inclusivity

China has recently called for BRICS to assume greater global responsibilities and expand its membership to foster broader inclusivity.

The expansion aligns with this aim, incorporating a diverse range of countries from different regions and development levels. The increased representation broadens the bloc's perspectives and expertise, enabling it to address a wider spectrum of economic and geopolitical issues.

Symbolic Unity

At the Johannesburg summit, leaders of the expanded BRICS posed for group photographs, highlighting the unity and cooperation within the grouping.

This symbolism underscores the bloc's commitment to collaboration and its growing role as a global player. The expansion is expected to further strengthen the BRICS's collective economic power and influence on global affairs.
