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16430 People Deported From Germany In 2023

Deportation Alarm: Upcoming Charter Deportations from Germany

16,430 People Deported from Germany in 2023

WEB: Abschiebungen aus Deutschland bis Ende Mai

In a shocking turn of events, the German government has announced plans for mass deportations of individuals without legal residency status. Deportation Alarm, a channel dedicated to informing the public about upcoming charter deportations from Germany, has released a list of 10 measures aimed at expediting the deportation process.

According to the channel, a total of 16,430 people, including 3,536 women, were deported from Germany between January and December 2023. The government's new measures are intended to further increase this number and expedite the removal of individuals deemed to be at risk or who have violated German law.

The deportation process involves the immediate establishment of visiting hours at designated facilities and the collection of personal belongings until the end of May. Individuals subject to deportation will be notified of upcoming charter flights, which will transport them back to their home countries.

Deportation Alarm has been instrumental in raising awareness about the impending deportations. The channel provides timely information, including the dates and destinations of charter flights, to affected individuals and support organizations. This invaluable service helps those facing deportation prepare for their departure and seek legal assistance.
