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Katzeklo By Helge Schneider


Helge Schneider: Katzeklo Lyrics and Music

Katzeklo by Helge Schneider

Lyrics and Music Video

Listen to the catchy tune and watch the amusing music video of "Katzeklo" by the renowned German musician Helge Schneider. Immerse yourself in the whimsical lyrics and the accompanying visual experience.

Title: Es gibt Reis, Baby (There Is Rice, Baby)
Es gibt Reis, Baby
Reis, Reis, Reis
Komm und iss mit mir
Reis, Reis, Reis
Reis aus China
Reis aus Thailand
Reis aus Indien
Reis aus Pakistan
Es gibt Reis, Baby
Reis, Reis, Reis
Komm und iss mit mir
Reis, Reis, Reis

Tour Dates

Find Helge Schneider Tour Dates

Check our comprehensive list of Helge Schneider tour dates. Don't miss out on the opportunity to witness his captivating live performances and experience the magic of "Katzeklo" in person. Find a concert near you and secure your tickets today.

Album Purchase

Buy "Katzeklo" Album

Purchase the album featuring "Katzeklo" and enjoy the full range of Helge Schneider's musical genius. The album showcases his signature blend of humor, wit, and musical brilliance. Get your hands on a copy and add it to your music collection.

